You Can’t Live For Others Without Losing Your Self!
You Can’t Live For Others Without Losing Your Self!

“If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” – Maya Angelou
A Free Report to explain some of the ways in which you can get hoodwinked into being somebody you’re not. It also shows how you can tune into the person you are deep down and start being the beautiful work of art that you truly are. Share this page or invite your friends to get this free report.
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« (…) Maybe you can remember back to when you were a child. If you can’t then get out an old photo of yourself and have a good look. Who was this person? What did this person feel? What were his/her thoughts and occupations? What made him/her feel joyous, curious or grateful? What was his/her laugh like? What did he/she play with. What were her/his greatest treasure? Most of us have changed beyond recognition.Today you might be functional, the mother or father of a happy family with your foot on the corporate ladder, but not be fulfilled. You might be successful in business and/or at work yet still not feel satisfied. So what’s missing? »
We live in a society that’s obsessed with labels. But are labels really that useful? And what happens when we get the WRONG LABEL? What happens when our parents, teachers and society label US? Well, most of us just take on THEIR definitions and try to live up to expectations instead of cultivating our own uniqueness. Trying to please can make us lose sight of who we really are.
Many people care so much about what other people think of them that they lose track of themselves. Trying to prove themselves worthy, trying to make people love, like or even tolerate them, in short trying to please everybody but themselves takes its toll. It’s so easy to become somebody’s boss, somebody’s mother, the person at the coffee shop that you could lose sight of who you really are deep down. This is however essential. How can we go through life without knowing who we are? Who are you?
Remember, the original is always worth more than a copy!

A Free Report to explain some of the ways in which you can get hoodwinked into being somebody you’re not. It also shows how you can tune into the person you are deep down and start being the beautiful work of art that you truly are. Share this page or invite your friends to get this free report.
Read an extract
« (…) Maybe you can remember back to when you were a child. If you can’t then get out an old photo of yourself and have a good look. Who was this person? What did this person feel? What were his/her thoughts and occupations? What made him/her feel joyous, curious or grateful? What was his/her laugh like? What did he/she play with. What were her/his greatest treasure? Most of us have changed beyond recognition.Today you might be functional, the mother or father of a happy family with your foot on the corporate ladder, but not be fulfilled. You might be successful in business and/or at work yet still not feel satisfied. So what’s missing? »
We live in a society that’s obsessed with labels. But are labels really that useful? And what happens when we get the WRONG LABEL? What happens when our parents, teachers and society label US? Well, most of us just take on THEIR definitions and try to live up to expectations instead of cultivating our own uniqueness. Trying to please can make us lose sight of who we really are.
Many people care so much about what other people think of them that they lose track of themselves. Trying to prove themselves worthy, trying to make people love, like or even tolerate them, in short trying to please everybody but themselves takes its toll. It’s so easy to become somebody’s boss, somebody’s mother, the person at the coffee shop that you could lose sight of who you really are deep down. This is however essential. How can we go through life without knowing who we are? Who are you?
Remember, the original is always worth more than a copy!
“Just Keep Doing Your Best Every Day”
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“When I met Katrine, I didn’t imagine for one second that she would take me to where I am today. I am so grateful. Simplicity, authenticity and inspiring, yes, that’s what she’s all about!”
S. – FR

“(…) She’s stimulating to work with and encourages concrete actions that give you confidence and allow you to reach your objectives.”
Sandrine – FR

“Katrine (…) isn’t afraid to ask the tough questions. (…) has enabled me to transform my life and I will be forever grateful.”
Monica – USA

“I’ve known her a couple of months and I’ve spoken to her only once (….) and I’ve gotten more help and more progress with her than I have in 25 years”
Robin Sloan – USA
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